Tips on How to Fix a Broken Bracket on Your Braces

Orthodontic Emergency Instructions

During orthodontic treatment, certain issues can occur, especially if you do not follow Dr. Chris Shannon’s instructions. Things like failing to wear a mouth guard when playing sports or eating foods that you shouldn’t can damage your braces. Keep in mind that your braces may also need fixing at some point even if you try to follow all of our... read more »

Any Damage to Your Braces Needs Timely Repair

The braces installed in your mouth have been crafted from materials durable enough to handle chewing most common foods. However, there are some foods and activities that could potentially damage, bend or loosen the hardware. Should something happen, you should not delay in calling 863-353-6867 to have it addressed by Dr. Chris Shannon. The longer you delay having your damaged... read more »

Tips on How to Fix a Broken Bracket on Your Braces

Have you broken a bracket on your braces? If so, it’s important to take the necessary steps so you avoid delaying your treatment time. That way you can still have your perfect smile in the amount of time you expect. So, to help you treat the bracket and improve the situation, our Shannon Orthodontics orthodontic team encourages you to do... read more »